My name is Beth Hernandez. I live in San Antonio, TX with my husband and three children, ages 5 (son), 2 (daughter), and newborn son! In general, I am what many would consider an extreme extravert, though God seems to be balancing that more lately. Though my husband and I feel most at home when our house is filled with people and our schedule is busy, we have learned to set a few emotional boundaries to keep our health and relationships stable! By trade I am a secondary Math, Science, and English teacher. Currently I am a homemaker who tries to keep her toe in the broader Education field through tutoring and short term, very part time contracted teaching positions (like a summer program called Jumpstart through the University of Texas system or some private school affairs). I home school my oldest kids, which is great fun! I love to read and share what I’ve read with others. I enjoy writing, and I am learning to share that with others. My husband and I are an active part of our church community.

This blog is a place for my memoirs and stories. My hope is that it will be a place for people to find encouragement. Life is hard, but I believe there is meaning behind both the exciting and the mundane. I believe that great joy can only be known after enduring and conquering great trials. I believe in laughing at myself and allowing myself to be human. I believe that I am accountable for my actions, and that grace and loving-kindness lead me to repentance. Repentance is the willingness to accept where I am wrong and respond by choosing what is right. I believe in absolute truth, because without it there is no meaning.

If you are reading this blog, I hope you will find that you are not alone. Someone else has said it or done it or endured it, and there is hope beyond it!

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